For regular “-er” verbs, remove the “-er” ending from the verb and add the appropriate ending.
Singular | Plural | |
1st-person | -e | -ons |
2nd-person | -es | -ez |
3rd-person | -e | -ent |
Example Conjugations
parler | chanter |
je parle tu parles il parle nous parlons vous parlez ils parlent | je chante tu chantes il chante nous chantons vous chantez ils chantent |
The present tense in French, as its name implies, is used to express what happens and what is true in the present. There are three main ways the present is expressed in English, but all three of these are expressed in French with this simple present.
1. I speak. This is the simple present in English.
Je parle
2. I do speak. This is the emphatic present in English.
Je parle
3. I am speaking. This is the present progressive in English.
Je parle
Notice how all of the above are translated/expressed the same in French? This will take a little getting used to. Some native English speakers tend to forget that the present progressive in English is expressed as the simple present in French.
Example Sentences
Je parle français. I speak French.
Ils chantent une chanson. They are singing a song. / They sing a song.
Commonly Used Regular “-ER” Verbs
The following are commonly used regular -ER verbs. This list is by no means exhaustive.
adorer (to adore)
aider (to help)
aimer (to like)
apporter (to bring)
chanter (to sing)
chercher (to look for)
coùter (to cost)
demander (to ask)
donner (to give)
écouter (to listen)
étudier (to study)
fermer (to close)
habiter (to live)
jouer (to play)
laver (to wash)
marcher (to walk)
montrer (to show)
oublier (to forget)
parler (to speak)
penser (to think)
porter (to carry, to wear)
quitter (to leave)
regarder (to look at, to watch)
rester (to stay)
retourner (to return)
travailler (to work)
trouver (to find)
visiter (to visit)